Sunday, 30 September 2007

On th Road Again


Well after nearly 3 months of little or no running I am back on the road again. It is a very slow start and progress is slow but I am getting there, I did 8 miles today 5 miles running 3 miles walking but at least I am starting to get some miles on my legs again. It feels like forever but hopefully it will not take too much longer to get my self back into the swing of things again,

Friday, 7 September 2007

Back Running, HOORAY

Well, I am back running again, today. I did a respectable 2 miles in 17:10 minutes so not too bad for the first time in 10 weeks.
Hoping this is the end of my troubles and I can get back to the serious business of running and getting on with challenge 40.
I am going to be running the Hyde Park 5K so if anyone is going to be there say hello.