Wednesday, 29 April 2009

Feeling Better

Thank god the painful Tuesday is over. It is always two days after a race that the real pain kicks in, then it eases after that to dull thud and then fades. So today I don;t feel too bad, stomach seems to have settled down too. So rest for the rest of the week and then see if I can get running again next week.

Went to see consultant yesterday about my shoulder, and I now have to have surgery on that too. Not been in hospital since having children and here I am on my second operation in as many months. Its just key hole surgery to remove some of the bone from my shoulder to open the gap so my tendon doesn;t get squashed, but still not looking forward to it. And no driving for a whole week, going to have to sort something out for picking up the girls.

Anyway I am waffling again, seems I am recovering slowly, just need to get my TMA finished and sent today and then everything will be OK, till the next one is due :-)


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