Monday, 27 April 2009

Well I finished

Apologies for not posting yesterday but it was a bit of a traumatic day.

I started well and thought that everything was going to be OK, until I got to the half way mark. I had a minor operation 2.5 weeks ago and thought that I would be OK for the race. However at the 12/13 mile mark I started getting cramps in my stomach and back, which I couldn't shift. Thinking I might need the toilet and I decided to stop. Its here I discovered that I was bleeding, and that was causing the pain. I decided I had to finish the race and so ended up walking/running the second half. The combination of walking and slow pace then caused my calve muscles to seize up and I got pains in my knee too.

So after a good start, I ended up walking a lot of the next 7 miles to get me 20 miles and then started running the last 6 miles to finish in 5:18, not my best time, but it turned out to be the hardest race of my life and at times I didn't think I would finish at all. Only the thought of Adam and the girls at the beginning of Birdcage walk spurred me on, and being able to give them a hug and kiss before being told by my youngest to hurry up, start running and finish the race was the best thing ever, though could have done without the pain :-)

My consultant has now told me I need to let my body rest and recover, so will keep you posted on how I get on.


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